Colin Flaherty
International Medium SNU

Colin Flaherty is a fourth-generation medium all from his mother’s side of the family.
He was born on the 27th of January 1962. And has grown up with the philosophy of spiritualism embedded deep within him from an early age.
He studied Trance and Physical mediumship at the Arthur Findlay Spiritualist College, Stansted England.
President of the SNU New Swaythling Spiritualist Centre, Southampton, UK
Colin has always had a huge fascination and respect for the Native American people and was fortunate to have spent a great deal time over a four-year period under the wing of the Crow tribe from Montana, particularly a wonderful man known as Ehnamani. He immersed himself in their teachings and took part in several ceremonies such as the Sundance, sweat lodges and my vision quest high up in the Bridger section of the Rockies. This period was the biggest life changing time in his entire life, particularly the vision quest and Sundance ceremonies.
Growing up he had several experiences of a spiritual nature that he never disclosed to anyone, not even his parents even though they were spiritualists. Things of a more physical nature. So, it was no surprise that eventually he was drawn in to the circle of people connected more to phenomena and physical mediumship.
Colin has been fortunate to have been tutored by and met several pioneers of years gone by in this field of mediumship. He sat in a meditation group in his early years for 6 years where he believes so much of his growth within and without took place. The experiences in that group were very much of a physical nature and he was drawn to sit for Trance mediumship, it took many years for Colin to prepare himself to a level where he felt it was necessary to go public and to demonstrate. He has now been working publicly and teaching in this field for over 20 years.
His Mental mediumship has taken him to several countries to teach and demonstrate. Countries such as America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada. He also lived over a period in West Virginia, USA, where he helped his Mum and Stepfather to run a spiritualist church, Wey Memorial Temple in Wheeling WV. Colin now holds regular Physical and Healing weekends, workshops, and demonstrations to bring his teachings to the wider public.