Kate May
International Medium

Kate May is a professional Tarot Psychic Medium. Working for over 17 years internationally. After a strong interest in all things Esoteric, and being intrigued by family members interest, led Kate proudly, to start her professional journey working at her local pier, where she could be found at just 16 years old giving Astrology readings. Subsequently she later returned in her 30’s to read the Tarot. Here she built up quickly her reputation and experience.
Kate’s interests have led her to study Tarot, Astrology, Paganism, Spiritualism, Crystals, and Psychic development, to name a few over the years, and now shares her knowledge in talks and teachings in both her hometown, in the UK and in the United States. She is a regular guest on different peoples Pod Casts and chat shows.
6 years ago, Kate opened her own Mystic shop” Mystic Coffee Lounge” which has grown successfully over the years and is host to her products including Crystals. Books Tarot cards and esoteric gifts, a busy coffee shop and where Kate holds her readings, healings, and classes.
Kate has been fortunate to have worked with many top mediums and celebrities over the years, including Several years working with the famous Psychic sisters in Selfridges London, on Psychic Cruises with Gordon Smith, in magazines interviewing mediums such as the late rev Colin Fry, and more recently, having the pleasure to work for the late Spiritual Medium Mavis Pittilla teaching tarot for her company.
Kate has worked as a columnist for well-known spiritual medium TJ Higgs, online magazine “Spiritual lifestyle”. Sharing monthly Tarot and Astrology forecasts.
Married to Trance medium, Colin Flaherty, with two boys from her previous marriage, Kate is kept busy working full time from her shop, running events including Mind Body Spirit Fayres and retreats with her Husband, and crafting her own range of Tarot cards and books.
Kate published her first deck, selling out, “Mystic Messages”, 3 years ago.
Her second deck “Astro Tarot” a combination of Tarot & Astrology came out in May 2024. Along with her latest book Manifesting with Tarot & Tools, A unique book filled with manifesting techniques from each Tarot card to candles, colours, feng shui, herbs, plus the Moon and Astrology, sabbats and other supportive energies Available on Amazon.
In 2023 Kate created and published a “Tarot astrology workbook & journal” from her courses. Available on Amazon.
Kate published a “Tarot Diary” combining a traditional diary along with themed Tarot spreads, manifestations, daily Tarot card connections, weekly Tarot messages, and Astrology in 2024, with the updated 2025 on sale from May 2024.
Kate is currently working on the “Angel Diary 2025”, combining a traditional diary along with Angel numerology. 2024 has seen a rise in Kate’s interest in providing balance for clients lives and in thier homes to this aim she has over the years studied the art of Feng Shui and is now working on her first “Feng Shui Diary” for 2025 which combines Tarot and Feng Shui.